After the Corps
The mission of After the Corps (ATC) is to provide support, information, and services to post-9/11 Marines and their family members during transition into IRR, reintegration upon discharge, and as veterans.

The boots hanging on the wire symbolize a Marine's time at that location coming to an end. They may be going to a new Permanent Duty Station, but the most likely reason is that their time in the Marine Corps is coming to an end.
Welcome to After the Corps
Welcome to After the Corps (ATC)! This site is a great resource for you and your Marine to learn more about what to expect as he or she transitions out of active-service and rejoins the civilian world. Much of the information provided on ATC comes from the personal experiences of multiple Marine Corps veterans who work with our organization.
I am a firm believer in the "5 Ps" (proper preparation prevents poor performance). Having consolidated resources like After The Corps to refer to as I began my acclimation back to civilian life would have greatly benefitted me. ATC is a great starting point for a continued path towards success, and a great resource to maximize your efficiency within the civilian population.Nate, USMC Veteran
Informational Topics Include:
- End of Active Service (EAS) & the DD214
- Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)
- Educational Benefits
- Employment After the Corps
- Health Benefits After EAS
- Housing & VA Loans
- Terminology, News, & Resources
- The Warrior Support Team™ (for recovering warriors)
Use the red bar navigation on the right side (or, if you're on a mobile device, at the bottom) of this screen to learn about these topics in detail.