Military Wife Mariah & Military Child Virtual Run

Mariah completed a 5k while her husband was in basic training
Military Wife Mariah & Military Child Virtual Run
Posted on 5/15/2022

Mariah completed a 5k while her husband was in the middle of a 5k hike during his basic training. Thank you, Mariah, for your service as a military wife, for supporting with a virtual run, and for supporting MILITARY CHILDREN!

I’ve worked with children for over 8 years now! So, when I heard about this virtual event for military children, I was so excited to support! My best friend pushed me to finish and get my best mile so far! I chose a 5k because my husband had his 5k hike this week during basic training!
— Mariah, April 28, 2022

Sale for Marine Corps Family Day at the EGA Shop

Red Seal Marines on T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweatshirts


This is a beautiful design in a rich, deep red color. It's very striking on any color shirt. Click to pick your favorite color!

EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
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