iPhone Health App
Veterans can now access their health information through the Health Section of the Health App for iPhone. The US Department of Veterans Affairs hopes to provide one place for veterans to access their health information to ensure all veterans can better track their health.
Click here to learn more.
VA Welcome Kit
The VA Welcome Kit is a great tool that helps guide veterans to the benefits and services they've earned. The following link includes a comprehensive PDF as well as links on housing, education, health benefits, etc.

Veterans United Foundation
Veterans United Foundation is the philanthropic division of Veterans United Home Loans. Incepted in November 2011, the Foundation is funded from employee contributions that are matched dollar-for-dollar by the company. More than 90 percent of Veterans United employees contribute a percentage of their paychecks to the Foundation. Employees also take an active role in referring possible needs to the foundation and showing the community support through volunteer work.

Discharge Upgrade Tool
The Department of Veterans Affairs has recently launched an online tool to assist veterans with upgrading their military discharges. The tool includes a questionnaire that will walk veterans through a step by step process that pertains specifically to their situation. This new tool will be most helpful for veterans suffering from bad conduct discharges. Veterans chances of upgrading their discharge increase if they can prove their separation was linked to traumatic brain injury (TBI); sexual assault or harassment during military service; sexual orientation under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy; or mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. To apply for a discharge upgrade visit the Vets.gov benefits website.

Refill prescriptions, check the status of your disability claim, message your Primary Care doctor, schedule an appointment, and more all from your computer.

Veterans Choice Program
If you are already enrolled in VA health care, you may be able to receive care from non-VA facilities, instead of waiting for a VA appointment or traveling to a VA facility.

Defense Centers of Excellence
The Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) was established to provide assistance to Marines and Marine families who might be coping with psychological health issues and traumatic brain injuries. The mission of the DCoE is to facilitate resilience, rehabilitation and reintegration, and this is accomplished through clinical care, education and training, prevention, research and patient, family and community outreach. Marines and families in need of assistance can call the DCoE 24/7 Outreach Center at 866-966-1020 or email resources@dcoeoutreach.org.